Our practice philosophy is simple. Prevention, prevention, prevention. Almost all dental disease is preventable if we all maintain our oral health on a regular basis. Brush twice a day, floss, keep on top of gum disease and visit your dentist regularly.

happy, heathly smiles for
you and your family
So our whole focus is to keep you and especially the children disease free. We have got a team of really competent but gentle dentists, hygienists and dental care professionals who practice modern non-invasive dentistry. Have a look at their profiles on our team page. One factor that sets Iosis apart is that our team believes in treating the whole mouth, not just the teeth and gums.
This rounded comprehensive approach means we also check the joints, muscles and soft tissues, ensuring that we can catch all problems and treat them efficiently and quickly in a manner that suits the patient.
The practice went through a major refurbishment in Jan 2020 and we are very proud of the results. We can now offer patients a superb, comfortable environment which is also relaxing with attention to the highest safety and infection control standards. Have a look at our practice gallery.